Monday, February 13, 2006

Yep, it has been a while. have had a couple of issues to deal with. What a world.
Any way, I found some photos that were wonderful. Check these.
Did the groundhog indicate that spring was just around the corner? I just love the colors of spring.

It has been an interesting winter. And challenging to boot. There are times I wonder if I should just sell out, find a winning lotto ticket and buy an island in the central american arena. Uhm, maybe I should see about becoming a survivor on tv. If I could stick it out, there could be a chance of having the opportunity to hang out and play - yea, right. Could I put up with the other gamers? Let me see, come to think of it, I probably could. After working here in this place, shoot, I could be a winner for sure.

I hear the boss coming.