Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On Fox News the anchors were discussing Kate Moss and what she was wearing. Between trying to figure out some of the crazy news that is out there and this seems to show up. Uhmmmm.

Things are going crazy with the gas prices. Hoping to take a short cruise down to the park to see what was blooming down there. But I passed the Conoco and it was more than I wanted to pay.

Oh well!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

While waiting I just received an email - prepare for the 4th. What should we do as I respond? Any thing in particular? Not like gas prices are going to come down any time soon.

The guys are saying we will launch soon for some deep waters. My question is, where are the sights and sounds of beach life? Not seeing much at all. Ok, what about the pool action? I guess I picked senior cit weekend.
But that can be solved. Here are some sights from other sources. Waiter, bring me another please!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

I was catching up on the political news last night. So the moves have been made. Now the choices are limited. That will be a challenge depending on your background, desires, religious views and such. I was really ticked off with the one statement that people hold on to guns in fear. You bet. I don't trust the country and truly think that there will be those that will want to take our guns away from us.
That is a fear for me.
But - or butts - time to move???

Saturday, June 07, 2008

What a looker!!!!!

Today was a scene of summer. It was hot and time to get out and see the flowers and other blooming beauties. Now I really wanted to see some tight shorts and tight tops. Now I know that is probably a terrible male thing, but sometimes one must think about nature.
As I was driving down the road I saw something I wish did not exist. There was an ample woman (now I don't have a problem with a beautiful woman of plus sizes) that was wearing tight shorts and a mid-drif tie top. That was not nice at all.
Well, I decided to have a meal at Hooters. I was hesitant to go to the one I selected because the last time I went, it was not a pleasantly visual place. But better than having a high school cheerleader type that can't wear the gear because she is too young. I was surprised that the view was as advertised. Good looking girls with tight shorts. They were wearing black this time around. That was a shock.
Something I realized and I guess I just never noticed but maybe it was the black outfits, but the girls carry their notepads and such in a pouch that hangs down in the front.
The fish and chips sucked. I thought I was eating a Groton's fish stick.