Sunday, December 17, 2006

Where has the fall gone? Thanksgiving has passed and now it is just days away from Christmas. I have been bouncing around the world doing some work that, quite frankly, has taken me from my hobby of girl watching and searching. Of course everytime I am around a computer I am also surrounded by co-workers that would have a serious problem with my view of the rear. Of course I don't hold to just that but.. or should I say butt?
What is on your wish list for Santa to bring? Uhm, I am looking for a blonde with curly hair, just like this beauty. I can imagine that we are going to the work Christmas party at the hotel. She is wearing a black party dress. One of those tight, short dresses that cover the tops of her stockings. Those high heels with straps would be the shoe of choice.
Of course the little red full shirt dress with a low cut front would also be one of choice.